What is Reiki? 

In its simplest explanation, it involves the transfer of energy to improve a person’s natural ability to heal themselves. Hence the term balancing of energy. Reiki  is Life-force  energy balancing. It seeks to find optimum attunement of the body in areas of Mental, Emotional and Physical balance. When a persons natural energy is in balance one feels healthy and strong and conquers illness with ease. Reiki is a natural healing system that uses universal energy to heal & strengthen. Because Reiki uses the naturally prevalent energy system of the body, it can be used to heal on any level be it physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.


Chakra Balancing

Our energy systems (chakra’s) are alive and intelligent.

They know exactly what they need for perfect health

and vibrant balance. When our energy systems are

disrupted, blocked, slowed down, out of balance,

messages are sent to the conscious level that

something is wrong and we register that as the feeling

of ill-health. We are trained to look at the physical body

and address its needs and fail to look at our energy

systems to provide what is needed for perfect health.

Reiki addresses health from the energy balance

perspective. And because our energy systems are

conscious and intelligent, they connect with all universal

energies, acting as the connection between the

physical world and the metaphysical or spiritual world.

When we look after our energy systems we look after

our deepest and most profound needs at all levels, that

is the physical, mental, emotional, intellectual and

spiritual needs.

Benefits of Reiki Treatments:

  • Promotes and accelerates the body’s own natural ability to heal;
  • Clears the mind and improves focus;
  • Creates deep relaxation and helps the body release stress and tension;
  • Reduces blood pressure;
  • Dissolves energy blockages and promotes natural balance between body, mind and soul;
  • Assists the body in cleansing itself from toxins (something of great concern these days);
  • Strengthens the immune system allowing it to better deal with daily stress and viruses;
  • Helps spiritual growth and consciousness.
  • Helps emotional cleansing and deep seated trauma relief;
  • Aids in deep, restful, peaceful sleep, on the healing and repair level (1 hour of Reiki is equivalent to 3 hours of deep sleep).
  • Balances the energy centres in the body and increases energy levels;
  • Relieves pain such as headaches, backaches, & relaxes muscles, etc.
  • Reiki treats the root cause of illnesses;
  • Balances the organs and glands and re-establishes good bodily functions;
  • Compliments medical treatment when it is used in conjunction with conventional medicine as Reiki  does not disrupt or interfere with any ongoing medical treatment.

One does not have to feel physically ill to experience the benefits of Reiki. Reiki unlike many modern day remedies works directly on restoring the balance on all levels and works directly on inherent problems and conditions instead of just masking or relieving symptoms.

Health Conditions Reiki can treat:

  • Migraines
  • Asthma
  • Skin conditions
  • Flu/Colds
  • Ulcers
  • Arthritis
  • Anxiety
  • Back problems
  • Digestive disorders
  • Weight problems
  • Depression; Low Self Esteem; Poor Self Confidence
  • And many more…





What are Chakras?

Chakras are spinning fields of energy that sustain proper function of the body and energy systems. The chakras are linking mechanisms between the auric field and the meridian or energy system within the physical body. They affect the flow of energy into the physical body by absorbing primary energy from the atmosphere and earth (called chi, prana) and send it along energy channels.


Therefore Chakras are like energy transformers. Our bodies contain seven major chakras or energy centres and approximately 122 minor chakras. The major chakras are located at the base of the spine (Root Chakra), at the navel (Sacral Chakra), in the solar plexus (Solar Plexus Chakra), within your heart (Heart Chakra), within the throat (Throat Chakra), at the centre of your forehead (Brow or Third Eye Chakra), and at the top of your head (Crown Chakra). These chakras are linked together and operate as a complete dynamic system and when in balance generate a feeling of good health and well-being


Without a balance in Life-force energy, the body will remain in dis-harmony leading to ill-health .

 Let REIKI show  you the way.