What is Kinesiology?

•Kinesiology blends the technique of muscle testing with principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine to assess body function and energy, as well as establishing what is needed for the body to heal by identifying structural, chemical, energetic and emotional imbalances in the body.
•A Kinesiologist uses muscle testing as a natural bio-feedback system by monitoring the indicator muscle that gives information via nerve pathways and the body’s/brain meridian system. Through this, kinesiology is able to pinpoint contributing factors to allergies on subconscious and physical body levels. The Kinesiologist enables the body to clear itself of any blocked energy that may be causing the allergies, and heal at its own pace.

Kinesiology – Is balancing  of the body in

areas of Mental, Emotional, Physical, Bio-Chemical,

Structural and Meridian balancing.



Mental imbalance – For instance may relate to an eating disorder which results in a mental disorder. It is identified via muscle testing whereby a specific balancing procedure is done according to the specific needs of your body’s system.
Emotional imbalance - Getting angry, unable to control your anger, feeling hurt is an emotional imbalance, stress is another major contributing factor to emotional imbalance.  And these if left untreated can have a negative impact on your body at a physical level, causing such ill health as back/neck/shoulder/abdominal pain or even headaches .

Kinesiology  -  is an ideal alternative therapy that empowers an individual in overcoming their dis-ease, ill health (energy imbalance)by transforming  the energy flow in their bodily systems. It is a practice that identifies where the cause of dis-ease or imbalance exists, whilst at the same time diffusing any energy imbalance and implementing positive strategies to overcome body-system

Kinesiology uses the science of assessing the energy systems of a person for full and balanced functionality. Due to stress and life’s challenges, however, blockages or imbalances occur within our bodily system leading to decrease in organ function or general illness /ill health. It’s in this area that the use of Kinesiology as an alternative therapy proves invaluable. Through Kinesiology we can establish the cause of dis-ease and ill health (imbalance) and how it must be corrected. By using the scientific functioning of muscles and neurology, we identify the adverse stressors and blockages that prevent specific organs from

attaining optimum performance. ...Organs like kidneys, spleen, lungs, heart, stomach, etc. The

Kinesiologist then presents the appropriate recuperation option. The aim of Kinesiology is not

to focus on the problem/symptom, but instead to discover what to recuperate from, which may

otherwise be ignored by allopathic methods. Human beings have an amazing ability to self regulate and are naturally programmed to heal themselves. Let Kinesiology show you the way.


These conditions are correctable. Call me…..


Practitioner of Specialised Kinesiology & N.O.T (Neural Organizational Technique)

Cell: 084 242 2224

All  treatments are done by appointment only.

Email: avanti.dynakinetique@gmail.com     

Be the change you want to see in the world

Meerensee, Richards Bay.


With Kinesiology, we would enhance/improve:-

  • the ability to learn, focus and understand;
  • the ability to achieve set academic goals and reach your highest potential;
  • your enjoyment of school, sport, work and all areas of academic life;
  • the ability to think clearly even in stressful situations;
  • memory and attention;
  • learning styles and even create personalised study method.

Does ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia or Learning difficulties affect your child?
So much effort is made to correct the symptoms rather than the cause of the problem. Kinesiology seeks out the root cause of these problems.

Do any of these apply to your child (or yourself)?

  • Easily bored - may appear to have a short attention span;
  • Unable to use route-memory or prefers just being a listener;
  • Will resist authority or guidance unduly;
  • Has difficulty in learning or uses questionable methods of learning
  • Cannot sit still unless absorbed in something of their own interest;
  • Tends to give up when experiencing failure and stresses easily;                                               
  • Develops permanent learning blocks;

Kinesiology to aid Emotional Stress:
Learning blocks are often caused by stress at the time the learning takes place; this stress is re-triggered every time similar activity is repeated. There may be subconscious sabotages that keep your child from reaching goals?

Reactive emotions or a poor self-image may be a contributing factor.

Learn powerful techniques to release emotional stress and thereby improve learning abilities

Q: What types of learning difficulties can kinesiology help with?
A: Kinesiology can help with the following:

  • Difficulty accessing the logics side of the brain (left);
  • Trouble learning spelling, facts or dates;
  • Trouble learning Multiplication-tables;
  • Retention: Learning facts, spelling and multiplication-tables but quickly forgetting;
  • Letter and number reversals;
  • Poor reading (guessing and stumbling over words);
  • Poor comprehension;
  • Poor handwriting;
  • Difficulty concentrating;
  • Memory problems;
  • Clumsiness;
  • Lacking sporting ability - coordination;
  • Appearing to be able but under achieving or disappointing results

Q: How do I know if my child or I have learning difficulties?
A: Learning difficulties often lead to:

  • Frustration;
  • Lack of self confidence
  • Giving up or helplessness;
  • Behaviour problems or lack of focus;
  • Performance anxiety (for example, before tests/exams);
  • Day-dreaming;

Q: Who has learning blockages and what causes learning blocks and related behaviour difficulties?
A: Learning blocks can be a problem for anyone and not always related to overall intelligence. As they can be stress induced, they are instilled at a sub-conscious level, thereby affecting self-performance. This affects brain function, leading to learning blockages.


Benefits of Kinesiology:

  • Enhances the ability to learn, focus and understanding;
  • Enhances and improves the ability to achieve set academic goals and reach your highest potential;
  • Improves enjoyment of school, sport, work and all areas of school life;
  • Improves the ability to think clearly even in stressful situations;
  • Memory enhancement and attention improvement;
  • Promotes and accelerates the body’s own natural ability to heal;
  • Clears the mind and improves focus;
  • Strengthens the immune system allowing it to better deal with daily stress and viruses
  • Balances the energy centres in the body and increases energy levels;
  • Relieves pain i.e. headaches, backaches, relaxing the muscles;
  • Treats the root cause of illnesses;
  • Compliments medical treatment as both Kinesiology and  Reiki are used in conjunction with conventional medicine therefore does not disrupt or interfere with any ongoing medical treatment.